Having sexual difficulties can feel very isolating. You might feel self-conscious and unable to speak up about them, whether that’s having an honest conversation with your partner or reaching out to a professional. The truth is, sexual problems are very common today and the best way to deal with them is to talk about them.

The aim of psychosexual counselling is to help you improve the physical intimacy between you and your partner and overcome or manage any sexual difficulties you’re having. Whatever your gender, sexual orientation or relationship status, psychosexual counselling can support you to feel more comfortable about getting intimate.

If the problem is affecting your relationship, being honest and open with your partner about what’s happening is a great first step. For some, this alone is enough to help work through the problem. For others, more support is needed.

Sex therapists are qualified counsellors, doctors or healthcare professionals who have completed extra training to help those having sex-related difficulties.

What causes sexual difficulties?

There can be various causes for sexual difficulties and their origins may be:

  • emotional (unhappiness in the relationship, unresolved grief)
  • physical (illness, disability/chronic illness, accident, surgery or medications)
  • psychological (depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions)
  • situational (certain situations or environments)

Visiting your doctor is a good first step if you think the cause may be physical. Sometimes there will be ways your doctor can help (for example, trying different medications), but if not, they may recommend psychosexual therapy. While you can see a sex therapist on your own, if the problem is affecting your partner it helps if they can attend sessions too.

Sex is loaded with emotion and often, talking it through together with an therapist can help ease tension and bring you closer together.  

What can psychosexual counselling help with?

Psychosexual counselling looks to help with any problem or difficulty relating to sexual relationships. This can include:

  • difficulty getting or maintaining an erection
  • difficulty climaxing
  • a lack of sexual desire
  • premature ejaculation, or other ejaculation problems
  • pain during sex or being unable to have penetrative sex

Talking to a stranger about your sex life may feel uncomfortable, but sex therapists are not here to judge. By being honest and talking about what you’re experiencing in this confidential setting, they will be able to help you explore the root of the problem and offer ways of helping you overcome or manage symptoms.

For more information please contact us to book a consultation.